What we do

We match exposures to eliminate risk.

There is general misinformation regarding global access to capital and what is “normal”.  In North America, it is easy to forget that half the world’s debt is now at negative interest rates.  All too often borrowers assume common practice, jurisdictional-specific lending terms are all that exists. Most of our clients are unaware, prior to working with us, that various jurisdictions have relatively common institutional terms of 100-year debt/return fixed rates. Often borrowers assume 5-10 year fixed rates are normal and have no knowledge that global institutions often hold significant value if 50-100 year investments. It is just an investment class “normal” borrowers do not see. For us, it has become commonplace to be in a position to arrange for 50-60 year fixed rate debt.

The ability to provide long-term capital with fixed terms for the duration of a long-term loan allows for levels of risk reduction that sophisticated clients find creates unique opportunities.